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Bookmark Organizer

Productivity Utilities
4.99 USD

Organize your Safari bookmarks and reading list with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Bookmark Organizer uses the tokenization function of natural language processing (NLP) which is a subfield of computer science, artificial intelligence and linguistics

A word cloud is generated from your Safari bookmarks and reading list. You can choose to filter between description and link.
It is also possible to search the word cloud to facilitate the organization process.

For the selected links it is possible to perform the following functions:
- delete
- move to an existing folder
- move to a new folder

Additional Instructions:

How Import a Safari bookmarks file?
In the Safari app on your Mac, choose File > Import From > Bookmarks HTML File.

And now, what to do?
When youre done organizing your bookmarks, click the Export button in the top right corner of the app. And import the file on Mac.

How Export a Safari bookmarks file?
In the Safari app on your Mac, choose File > Export > Bookmarks.

Before import you need to clean Bookmarks and Reading List in Safari on Mac. Click the Sidebar button in the toolbar, then click Bookmarks.
1. Control-click the bookmarks, then choose Delete.
2. Select Reading List > Control-click the Reading List > Clear All Items...
3. Close Sidebar

Note: When importing, Safari includes the imported items in a folder with the import date. You can move bookmarks using the Bookmarks > Edit Bookmarks command in Safari